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Shape is an element in art that is two-dimensional, flat or limited to height and width. To start off on my project, I uploaded a selfie picture of myself into Adobe Illustrator, and locked the photo on the first layer. Then I made a layer on top of that and started to outline my face with the pen tool and then fill it with the color of my skin by using the eyedropper tool. I continued to do this, outlining and filling, to the rest of my face. After that, I did my background by selecting the rectangle tool and dragging it from the top left corner to the bottom right corner, covering the whole canvas. Overall, I'm pretty happy with how it came out, especially since it's my first time using Adobe Illustrator. I feel like I could improve on the eyes, I also want to learn how to do shadows. 

Shapes are lines that connect to look like a square, triangle etc. I used shapes to make a vectorized drawing. The character I used is Cove Holden, from a visual novel. I took a picture of him and opened it in Illustrator. Then I started with making a new layer and tracing his face, like with what I did for my self-portrait. I traced bits of Cove on separate layers and colored them using the eyedropper tool on the original image. I adjusted some colors to make it look more natural, but the ending product is very flat. For the background I used a gradient with two slightly different colors. I wish I would've picked a different image of Cove with a more simple color palette because the one I picked was very overwhelming. Overall I like how he came out.

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