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Regular Pattern

Regular rhythms and patterns have identical beats or motifs and equal amounts of space between them. For this pattern I got the motif from Okinawa, Japan. I created this piece by screenshotting the image from Google Earth and cutting it out using the quick selection tool. Then I made copies by holding Alt and dragging them to make a 5x5 grid.

Alternating Pattern

Alternating rhythm and pattern can be created in several ways. One way is to introduce a second beat or motif. Another way is to make a change in the placements of the original beat or motif. For this pattern I got the two rocking toys from a playground in Okinawa, Japan. I did the same steps with this as the regular pattern, the difference being that I did it with 2 images in an alternating pattern. 

Random Pattern

Random patterns is a motif repeated in no apparent order, with no regular spaces in between, creates a random rhythm. I got these pictures from Okinawa, Japan. I put them through workflow but in a random pattern.

Flowing Pattern 

Flowing rhythm is created by repeating waving lines. Curved shapes, such as rolling hills or ocean waves, creating flowing rhythms. I got these river pictures from northern Okinawa, Japan and put them through workflow, but in a more flowy pattern, and randomly. 


Progressive Pattern

In progressive rhythms, there is a change in beat each time it is repeated. The change is steady one. Each time the beat appears it is slightly different(size, color, etc.). For this pattern I got the image from Okinawa, Japan. I put them through workflow, and placed two warped imaged facing each other with multiple smaller versions facing each other, and around in a circle. I also put one normal image in the center with smaller ones coming out

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